In this issue of our newsletter: Breathe the breath of truth
"An artist has very, very, very little to do with the facts…
"What he has to do with is direct beingness. And if he can breathe the breath of truth into anything, he's an artist."
- L. Ron Hubbard
Message from the Director
Our hope is that everyone is enjoying the lovely fall weather. This newsletter is all about taking on your true beingness as an artist. Today this is more vital than ever. As early as 1951, Mr. Hubbard states in Science of Survival, “The artist has an enormous role in the enhancement of today’s and the creation of tomorrow’s reality.” No matter how talented, artists seldom make their living and receive fair exchange for their artistic works unless they have workable administrative and organizational tools to fall back on. With fierce competition in the art marketplace today, understanding marketing and promotion is also vital to success. That’s exactly where EMA Artists USA comes in. I urge you to become part of our movement.
– Leisa Collins
Featured Artist of the Month: Ariel Muscato
Ariel Muscato is a photographer originally from Buffalo, New York. She is based in Tonawanda, NY and is proudly serving Buffalo, NY and the surrounding areas!
Her clients are very happy with the photography session and the results! Many say that she exceeds expectations.

Please tell us a little bit about your art business.
Back in 2012 when I started Ariel Hawkins Photography, I had noticed that the traditional ways of taking family photos was starting to become extremely mainstream and, well, boring! I had been working a nine to five job at the local camera store in the mall for about nine months when Christmas came around. During the Christmas season I could see the stress, strain and general toll that it was taking on not only the parents but the workers themselves! You had ten minutes to capture photos, then you had to hard sell the packages to the families. This was not my style.
That’s when I decided that I had had enough with these box studios and their business model. I swore that I could provide a better service for my client. It would be fun, memorable and an experience! Not just a push and shove, wait for an hour, only to get ten minutes of time. Then half of the pictures your kids are crying, what a terrible experience. No more.
That’s when I started Ariel Hawkins Photography, and I never looked back. I have incorporated this mindset into every session I have, including weddings. No one likes to be rushed and when you’re planning out the biggest day of your life, you’d like to know that your photographer is experienced, fun and focused on your goals too! (See what I did there? Haha.) My goal is to work with you and your family whether you’re just starting it or you’ve been together for years, to create the most exciting and fun experience for you. I like taking photos that make clients feel great, stress free and excited about scheduling their next session.
In general, how has the use of Mr. Hubbard's administrative technology impacted your business?
The Hubbard Management System has given me the tools to understand how to handle my business on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
What piece of Mr. Hubbard's administrative wisdom have you found particularly helpful in making your business successful?
I use the Conditions along with the Administrative Scale I created to keep my business successful.
As a successful art business owner, is there one really valuable tip that you would like our readers to take away with them?
A valuable tip I can give is that anyone can be successful in business and with their art. It just takes courage and persistence to get through the barriers and through to success! By using the Hubbard Management System you have a shortcut to very powerful tools to boost your success.
Artists in Action
Leisa Collins

Leisa is a nationally recognized architectural artist who has created paintings of homes and historic buildings in every state. She says: "Using L. Ron Hubbard’s PR and marketing wisdom continues to do wonders for my business and has served as an unshakeable foundation for my full-time career -- capturing the beauty and legacy of architectural subjects. This is a recent example. A couple of years ago, a client commissioned me to paint three buildings on the campus of the Salvation Army HQ in Pasadena, CA. Good word spread, and I was recently asked to paint a portrait of the Salvation Army’s newly renovated Diane and John Mullin Hope Center in Pasadena CA so it could be presented at the Grand Opening to Diane and John Mullin, the main donors of the project. They also asked me to create 150 prints of the painting to be given to the other key donors. The grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony, which was attended by the Mayor of Pasadena as well as a host of dignitaries and celebrities, garnered much media attention, being that the Hope Center will offer a refuge for the thousands of families and individuals that need education and care. I was honored to see this photo -- which shows my painting -- appear in a multitude of media outlets."
Rachel Rausch-Johnson

Based in Seattle, WA, Rachel specializes in portrait photography and capturing the beauty of nature with her camera. "Currently I run my photo studio alone. Recently I discovered by organizing my business using the Hubbard Management System, I was much more efficient with my time! I got more done and I could predict what I had to do to have a very productive week."
The image above is from the Desert Series.
You can find Rachel's photography at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/rachel-rausch-johnson
Janice King

At age 60, Janice had an "ah ha" moment, decided to live what is in her, creativity! Here's what she has to say: "No More stops for me! After overcoming a seriously debilitating illness, I reconnected with my creative self after being stopped so many times throughout my life. I emerged as a self-taught visual artist at age sixty. I had a long-term dream of creating my own clothing line. Well, here it is! I have come full circle, thus, Janice King Art-Rebirth. Rejoice. Create..."
You can find Janice at:
Website: https://1-janice-king.pixels.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janicekingarts/
Astrid Reeves

Astrid loves colors and her paintings are dynamic and alive. Here's what she has to say: "I arrived at the Waterford, VA art fair to do my volunteer slot and was very disappointed to find that after two days of the fair, none of my paintings had sold yet. My heart sank. I also felt like I was fighting an uphill battle because the fair was mostly traditional art such as oil paintings of still life’s, animals and landscapes etc. I was only one of two abstract artists there. Well, I decided what the heck and started to talk to the people there. I introduced myself as the artist anytime anyone was near my booth and was basically super friendly to everyone. No sales at first. I went back to helping wrap art sales and suddenly a lady noticed me and said that she and her kids loved my paintings upstairs. A short while later I sold that painting to the little girl in the photo. So amazing. That’s when I really saw how the energy I put into outflowing and talking about myself and my art created the sale."
You can see more of Astrid's artwork at her website: https://www.astridsartstudio.com/
Richel Lavette

Richel works to capture the love, the laughter and the spirit of each person she photographs. She says: “I joined EMA Artists a few months ago and love it. I am using and applying LRH admin tech much more now than ever before. It’s much more fun and keeps you moving forward building and growing your business with a great group of amazing artists supporting me and wanting me to succeed. I am building my Fine Art Photography business now while still keeping my portrait & event photography moving forward, making my bread-and-butter moolah. I feel more assured than ever that I can do both: increase my income while totally on purpose as an artist!"
You can see more of Richel's work at:
Website: http://LavettePhotoStudios.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lavette.Studios
Curt Strickland

Curt Strickland's short play, Speed Dating, was performed on November 4th at the Amazing Theater in Sandy Spring, Maryland. This marks the sixteenth theater to perform Speed Dating, which has been voted Best Play at numerous theaters throughout the United States.
You can find out more about Curt here:
Essays: www.curtsview.com
Photography: www.curtstricklandphotography.com/shop-art
On the Lighter Side
This cartoon was created by EMA Artists USA member, Steve Gill, who spent 40 years traveling to shows all over the United States, selling his humorous artwork and making people laugh. We recently appointed Steve as the Resident Cartoonist for EMA Artists and he is now creating a series of artist inspired works. Here is the first. It’s called “Creatives Rule!”

Ready to breathe the breath of truth into your art?
Join EMA Artists and find out how it's done!
Or email us at: emaartistsusa@gmail.com
©2023 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA #111523EUS
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 686, Woodstock VA 22664United States of America