In this issue of our newsletter: Finding the wisdom and good sense in your talent.
"The distance between amateured junk and an effective product is accomplished by knowing and following the basic rules and using them expertly. When you add to this dexterous handling of materials and equipment and then add some experience, you have a professional.
“When you add a dash of good sense and talent you have a knockout.”
- L. Ron Hubbard
The ART Book
Message from the Director
I hope you have gotten your year off to a good start. I don’t think I need to convince you that this planet could do with an infusion of aesthetics and sanity right now. And what better way to get that wisdom across but through the arts and the artist. For this reason, it is vital that we as artists reach out into the society with our art, our stories and our wisdom to make this world a better place.
– Leisa Collins
Featured Artist of the Month: Leisa Collins
For over a decade, Leisa Collins, the Director of EMA Artists has successfully made her living through her art while traveling extensively and living in all major regions of the USA. She and her husband recently moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where she established her dream studio in a fully renovated 1911 Victorian townhouse in the historic district of Benton Park.

Please tell us a little bit about your art business.
Being that I needed to create a stable and lucrative income with my art, I chose to narrow down and establish a niche market where I could be assured of a steady flow of new leads and repeat business from existing clients. I have always had a passion for architecture, so it was a natural fit to specialize in commissioned paintings of homes and historic buildings. I started in Old Town Alexandria VA and as I expanded my operation, I decided to make it my mission to do partings of homes and historic buildings in every state across the USA. Upon achieving that goal, I released a coffee table book documenting that journey and more recently I created an arts tour of iconic American architecture and other related subjects.
In general, how has the use of Mr. Hubbard's administrative technology impacted your business?
From the first day I launched my art career, I vigorously applied the Hubbard Management System and I attribute much of my success to doing so. This includes daily application of basic administrative tools such as statistics, organization, planning and programs. I also make full use of Mr. Hubbard’s Public Relations and Marketing references and his series of articles on the subject of Art has been of infinite value to me. In short, the consistent use of these tools has proved to be the major successful action, however along with this, one has to be willing to constantly study Mr. Hubbard’s writings, which is something that I love to do.
What piece of Mr. Hubbard's administrative wisdom have you found particularly helpful in making your business successful?
The target series has been extremely helpful and the use of the Administration Scale and all the elements that are of part of this. This includes setting far reaching goals, isolating the polices to apply to achieve them, and creating plans and programs in order to execute the actions needed to make them happen. I have found that this ensures that one does not lose sight of their major goals and therefore keeps their eye on the mountain, rather than deviating into complexities and unimportant daily distractions.
As a successful art business owner, is there one really valuable tip that you would like our readers to take away with them?
There are many, but the best tip I can give is to always be willing to study and learn. When one thinks about it, the degree of wisdom in Mr. Hubbard’s writings is both remarkable and profound. I know that my success is very much due to my ability to apply his teachings, but first and foremost, one has to study and learn the theory behind the Hubbard Management System.
You can read more about Leisa and her art on her website: https://leisacollins.com/
Artists in Action
Barbara Anne Dunn

"Being part of a diverse group of artists who apply the Administrative technology of LRH in order to forward their purposes and increase their beneficial impact upon individuals and our civilization is rehabbing me as an artist and poet. As I continue to put in order and apply the gems of wisdom from LRH, my sphere of influence is expanding once again. And I once again have certainty I will achieve my artistic goals. It is of such great benefit and enjoyment to be part of this purposeful group of artists who freely share their joy, wisdom, support and validation with each other. And it's fun!" - Barbara Anne Dunn
You can see Barbara's art on her website: BarbaraAnneDunn.art.
Clinton J. Sosna

Clint Sosna is a multi-talented artist including Media Arts, Media Production and Curator. Recently he installed his second art show. "The clever use of colors of the artworks by seasoned second artist has been well received. The bigger win is the show is enjoyed by both the owners and clients. It's such a pleasure to help artists to flourish and to create such joy." - Clinton J. Sosna
You check out more of Clint's work on Instagram @photos_of_c.
Astrid Reeves

Astrid has been active in many local art shows with great success. Below you can see her with her booth at the Fairfax Funky Flea show in Fairfax, VA back in July. This was her jumping off point and she has enjoyed participating in a number of shows since then all over Northern Virginia.
Learn more about Astrid and her art at her website: AstridsArtStudio.com.
On the Lighter Side
EMA Artists core team member, Cartoonist Steve Gill loves nothing better than to work with kids and draw their creative ideas on paper. This is how he puts it in his own words: “I created this drawing at a show in St. Armands Circle in Sarasota, FL, when two sisters came by my display, and I asked if they would like to see me draw something. I told them I could draw anything at all, whatever they were imagining. This drawing was what they came up with. I have a lot of fun working with kids and I love the fact that it inspires them to do more art themselves.”

Ready to find the wisdom in your talent?
Or email us at: emaartistsusa@gmail.com
This group is part of the network of Effective Management Associations (EMA).
Artists United USA Instagram
© 2023 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD and LRH are trademarks and are used pursuant to a license agreement. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA #032323
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