"Creative and constructive imaginings about the future are not untruths, but are postulated new realities."
- L. Ron Hubbard
Message from the Director
Despite the fact that there are around two million arts graduates in the US with bachelor’s degrees in the various arts, including film, photography, visual and performing arts, only ten percent make their primary earnings as working artists. Add to this, seven of the top ten most expensive institutions of higher education in this country are art schools. Whether formally educated or self-taught, statistics show that artists who have little knowledge of the business side of the art world, have little hope of succeeding. That’s exactly where EMA Artists USA comes in. I urge you to become part of our movement. Read the successes below from our artist members so you can find out how having administrative basics and being a part of this team has benefited them in their artist endeavors.
– Leisa Collins
Featured Artist of the Month: Roger Harrison
Roger Harrison is the owner of The Harrison Jazz Ensemble.

Please tell us a little bit about your art business.
My band is The Harrison Jazz Ensemble. "Ensemble" because it operates in various sizes from solo one man band up to a quartet, depending on the budget and the event.We've performed in hotels, restaurants, and for weddings, memorial services, corporate and family events. I started the band in 2007 and was then based in LA. I revived the band in Clearwater, and started promoting in the Tampa Bay area. Since that time we've expanded and are now performing in LA, Orlando, and I am now also lining up performances in NY and Miami.
In general, how has the use of Mr. Hubbard's administrative technology impacted your business?
I've found it vital to meet each week and have a staff meeting to go over the stats, create a Battle Plan for the week and look at the conditions that need to be applied, along with doing Financial Planning, setting aside reserves and promo funds, and spending less than comes in. In short, the Hubbard Management System gives a framework to operate from.
What piece of Mr. Hubbard's administrative wisdom have you found particularly helpful in making your business successful?
Mr. Hubbard's information on FP (financial planning), especially the idea that the organization will spend all of the money and the only way to accumulate it is to forcefully put it in various categories. Recently we had to agree to stop all spending until doing our weekly FP, as money has a way of disappearing prior to being earmarked. I'm also becoming more and more aware of the importance of the "bean theory" because there are many opportunities to spend time and money in various marketing projects, but they must always be evaluated by how much they have actually brought in income-wise.
As a successful art business owner, is there one really valuable tip that you would like our readers to take away with them?
It's very important to postulate the correct end result, be it a production target, income or any other thing one wants to accomplish. The postulate is always senior to the mechanics.

You can find Roger online at his website, The Harrison Jazz Ensemble, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Artists in Action
Curt Strickland

Curt Strickland continues to get his plays produced:
His new play, The Date, will be performed in June in New York City.
His play, Landscaping, is presently in the finals in the Latino X festival in Hollywood.
His play, Speed Dating, was just awarded top prize in the Fusion Theater.
Speed Dating is also being performed for two weeks in July at the Amazing Theater in Olney, Maryland, as well as the Valley Theater in California and at the Westside Theater of New York.
Speed Dating has been performed in over thirty-five theaters around the country, as well as Canada and England.
Here are some reactions to the performances:
"Voted an Audience Favorite for a reason! It’s a rare bird that introduces you to characters in a deliberately absurd world before it reverses on a dime and grounds itself (and you) in the painfully real world that its characters truly inhabit. This first date will earn a second and a third. A fabulous play!" - M. Towers
"Speed Dating had its first performance this morning (bright and early at ten AM!), along with three other short plays in a compilation that launched this brilliant little festival in Suffolk. The packed house enjoyed your play immensely, relishing its cheek, eccentricity and wit, and its shifts of tone. It’s translated seamlessly into an English setting and makes a stylish ending to the hour-long set. We do it again this afternoon and then twice on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Many thanks for letting us produce it. It’s been a pleasure to work on and is very rewarding to perform. With all good wishes, Simon."
To find out more about Curt, go to his website Curt's View.
J.K. Stephens

Author J.K. Stephens writes fantasy and sci-fi stories intended to entertain readers and leave them with the suspicion that people are much more capable than they might guess. Also that the improbable is, oddly enough, very possible.
During the past year she has been enjoying her favorite reward for writing: outstanding reviews from happy readers. One review of The Emperor’s Golden Carp, a story collection, ends, “I’m a fan of Kurt Vonnegut and Phillip K. Dick, and find these stories to be in the same league, or perhaps in a league of their own.”
And a recent review from a new reader says: “I’ve read all your books I can find and I love them… Write more books!”
She has recently had an additional title selected for cataloging and lending in the Clearwater Public Library System. Currently the library system offers four of her five published books: The Ibis Door, The Singer, In the Ring, and Reboot of the Moon.
To find out more go to daybreakcreate.com
Katie Dean
Katie Dean Jewelry specialized in hand-made dainty gold jewelry, made in America. Her dream came true a couple of years ago when she was accepted as a brand on Madewell.com and it was an even greater honor to become a best-selling brand on the popular national platform.Over the Memorial Day weekend, Katie held an event at the Madewell store in Tampa, which was a roaring success.
You can find Katie at katiedeanjewelry.com and Instagram @katiedeanjewelry

On the Lighter Side
This cartoon was created by EMA Artists USA member, Steve Gill, who spent 40 years traveling to shows all over the United States, selling his humorous artwork and making people laugh. Steve is the Resident Cartoonist for EMA Artists and his light-hearted works are included in each of our newsletter.

Or email us at: emaartistsusa@gmail.com
©2024 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. MODEL OF ADMIN KNOW-HOW and MAKH are trademarks owned by WISE International EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA# 062024EUS