In this issue of our newsletter: Your Artistic Message
"Successful works of art have a message.
"It may be implicit or implied, emotional, conceptional or literal, inferred or stated. But a message nonetheless.
"This applies to any form of art: paintings, sculpture, poetry, writing, music, architecture, photography, cine, any art form or any form that depends on art, even advertising brochures and window displays.
"Art is for the receiver."
- L. Ron Hubbard
Message from the Director
As artists we all know there is a tremendous amount of creativity that goes into our craft to make our art become a reality. Then there is the challenge of getting others to view, hear or experience our art form. It is common knowledge that with every profession, there is an exact skill set that must be learned and practiced. A vital aspect to this skill set, that is often overlooked, is having the tools to successfully run our art career as a business, thereby creating adequate compensation and the wherewithal to make a living from our labors. This is where L. Ron Hubbard’s management technology comes into play and it is what EMA Artists USA promotes and teaches. If you are not already a member, I urge you to find out more and perhaps become one.
– Leisa Collins
Featured Artist of the Month: Misha Crews
Misha has been a Virginia girl all her life, and she is currently blessed to live in a small town in the Shenandoah Valley. The land there is deep and ancient, adorned with beautiful historic homes. Stories have been sown into the soil for generations, and family secrets linger within old walls. She spends her time wandering the countryside, drinking too much coffee at local cafes, and dreaming up twists and turns for her future novels.

Please tell us a little bit about your art business.
I'm a novelist, and I write what I like to call "love stories about old houses and family secrets." They're generational romances, involving multiple timelines, and there's always a mystery to be solved. My most recent novel, Sweet Music, is about a family who owns a music store. They acquire a flute which is supposed to be enchanted, and while investigating the source of this legend, Josie, the youngest daughter of the family, unearths an old murder mystery.
In general, how has the use of Mr. Hubbard's administrative technology impacted your business?
It's enabled me to actually make money at my art. Mr. Hubbard was an artist, himself; he understood art and how difficult it can be to earn a living in a creative field. His administrative technology is scalable and flexible in that it can be used in any type or size of business, even an artsty, one-woman shop like I am running. So I can be my creative, quirky, bohemian self, and still be a good businessperson. That would probably never have been possible without the Hubbard Management System.
What piece of Mr. Hubbard's administrative wisdom have you found particularly helpful in making your business successful?
There are so many that it's hard to choose! But as an artist, the one that really resonates with me is "The end product of organize is freedom." When I feel bogged down by the business part of this creative endeavor, I remind myself that if I want freedom, I need to organize. And I have found it to be true, over and over again.
As a successful art business owner, is there one really valuable tip that you would like our readers to take away with them?
If you want to be a successful artist, be willing to be a successful businessperson. The two are not mutually exclusive, because there is great art in administration, and the more organized you are, the more freedom you will have.
You can read more about Misha and her books on her websites and social media: website, Facebook and Instagram.
Artists in Action

Jon Ross
This is Jon Ross performing with Rubik’s Groove last month in Columbia, Tennessee. Fans of his have rave reviews! Here's one: “Your songs uplift the soul and speak clearly and directly from your heart. There is definitely magic within your music!” – J. G.
You can find out more about Jon and hear his music on his website.

Rachel Rausch-Johnson
As a photographer, Rachel uses a specific technology to create the images that she wants. Using the Hubbard Management Technology to run her business, she mentions that it's a no brainer. She knows what to do get her desired outcomes. And her stress level is so much less because of it.

Johnnie Ferro
Currently located in the San Jose area and priming himself for a move to Nashville later this year, Johnnie Ferro has been playing clubs and winning hearts and minds throughout the Bay Area! Most recently, he played to a very energetic crowd at the Ocean Ale House in San Francisco, and he has shows coming up at The Napper Tandy in SF as well as Freewheel Brewing Co. in Redwood City. In addition, Johnnie has been hard at work in the studio recently. Along with producing clients reaching as far as Las Vegas, Nashville, and Kona, Hawaii, Johnnie also just announced his next single - a rocker titled "Dead Man Walking" - set to release on all streaming platforms in the next few days.
You can presave the track here: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/therockproject/dead-man-wa...
For more information and to see where Johnnie is playing next, visit www.johnnieferro.com.
ILIA aka Leigh Ann Edrich

Rhapsody in Flight was one of her first art contest wins in 2023. Using the Hubbard Management System to align her business has helped Leigh Ann to organize and produce her art. It has also helped her create a five-month winning streak and many new opportunities.
You can read more about Leigh Ann and her work at her website, ILIA.Life.
Copyright © 2023 ILIA. All Rights Reserved.
On the Lighter Side
EMA Artist Cartoonist Steve Gill has made a career of creating drawings and paintings that make people laugh, like this one here. He loves nothing better than to work with kids and draw their creative ideas on paper, telling them that he can draw whatever they are imagining. The delight on this boy’s face at a recent art show says it all!

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Or email us at: emaartistsusa@gmail.com
©2023 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA 071223EUS
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