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Effective Management Association Newsletter - December 2021


Message from the Director

At this time of year, I always look to the words of L. Ron Hubbard, where he states: "The spirit of Christmas lives with us. We are the protectors of the real tradition of Christmas– peace on Earth and Goodwill to all."

The holiday season is a time of creation. It's a time to reflect on the year behind us and to enjoy time with family and friends. As artists, it is also a time to look towards the coming year and plan out all the wonderful art we will create and the powerful actions we will carry out so that others can benefit from our art and talent. On behalf of EMA Artists USA, we wish you a joyful Christmas and a bright and creative New Year!

– Leisa Collins


FEATURED ARTIST - Natalie Lundeen

A career in the arts is not for the faint of heart, and I’m sure I would’ve given up many times over if I didn’t have a wide range of tools from Mr. Hubbard to keep me going.

The biggest mistake I made for a long time was underestimating the amount of effort it takes to succeed in a career as an artist—both to achieve the technical skill I needed to create the effects I wanted, as well as how much goes into creating a business. Not really confronting that kept me dispersed and working on too many different things without actually getting very far with any one of them.

“Don’t ever do anything as though you were an amateur. Anything you do, do it as a professional to professional standards.

"If you have the idea about anything you do that you just dabble in it, you will wind up with a dabble life. There’ll be no satisfaction in it because there will be no real production you can be proud of.” - L. Ron Hubbard

As an artist with a wide range of interests, I had to pick a lane and streamline my activities and pour enough coals on the fire to reach fully professional levels. Once I zeroed in on the first mountain I wanted to climb (being a children’s book illustrator), I was able to use Mr. Hubbard’s administrative technology to make a plan and stick to it. Reviewing my plan and seeing it through despite the shiny distractions or new obstacles that pop up has kept my career moving forward.

Natalie Lundeen




I really get a lot out of being part of the core team of EMA Artists USA. Attending the weekly meeting is both productive and rewarding. My favorite part is having to report on stats and done targets and attending the monthly webinars that our group holds. I also like that a specific LRH reference is gone over weekly at the meetings. In short, being part of this group helps me as an artist more than I realized at first. Most importantly, it keeps me in action.

Edie Dean


What I get out of this group is an agreement that it is OK to be an artist, and that what we do as artists is very important. It’s what we do beyond the creative imagination that puts a future there, establishing aesthetics that are vital to life itself and keeping us at the top of the tone scale. Art is capable of lifting a being up and out of the lower bands of existence and even a glimpse of that wavelength sets people free – if only for a moment – and gives hope for the future. What you are doing to help artists is amazingly worthwhile. Thank you!

Steve Gill


As a founding partner of Great American Art, I wanted to share our success story using LRH Administrative technology.

Great American Art begin forty years ago with a couple of guys going door to door in downtown Boston selling fine art photography. It is now a multi-million-dollar corporation selling art both nationally and internationally and is presently one of the largest commercial art companies serving the healthcare industry. Great American has also been an industry leader in evidenced based design, a design sensibility that incorporates art in the healing process.

The question becomes: how’d we do it?

The answer is LRH Administrative Technology. It gave us a blueprint for expansion. It provided tools that enabled us to correctly analyze, and program for expansion. If our growth slowed down, it provided guideposts to restart our expansion, tools to uncover and remove stops blunting our growth.

LRH Administrative Technology handles all aspects of business: sales, marketing, PR, human resources, ethics, mission statements, goal finding, correction, etc. It removes any mystery, stops the guesswork, for any enterprise because it is all based on natural laws as discovered by L. Ron Hubbard. Our growing, expanding company is the direct result of rigorously adhering to the tenets of LRH Administrative Technology.

Whatever condition your company is in, LRH Administrative technology will give you the tools to make your business dreams come true.

Curt Strickland



Create your craft, command your fate,

Indulge your power to love and hate,

Employ such twin desires to play

The games you highly rate:

Emotions are the brush you bear

To paint eternity...

Perhaps you should acknowledge this–

Your art's maternity.

Ayden Drake ©2021

(Kevin Johnson)

EMA Artists USA member



Cartoon by Steve Gill

Steve Gill is a cartoonist and EMA Artists USA member, who for the last 40 years has traveled throughout the USA selling his work at art fairs.

This cartoon was inspired by an art show Steve was part of in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The show was packed and people were lined up three rows deep waiting to buy, holding their money and their selected prints. In the middle of this scene, one woman started haggling and demanded to get the print she wanted much cheaper. Steve captured that moment is this cartoon.


"The greatest joy there is in life is creating. Splurge on it!"

- L. Ron Hubbard

The ART book, page ix


This group is part of the network of Effective Management Associations (EMA)

If you would like to be part of EMA Artists USA or get further information, contact Misha at: emaartistsusa@gmailcom ~ 540-251-4452


©2021 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered service mark. IA# 1228212




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