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Effective Management Association Newsletter - August 2024



"A second type of reality is postulated reality, which is brought into being by creative or destructive imagination. This reality borders over into the still unexplored field of aesthetics. There are men, usually in the fields of the arts and philosophy, who postulate new realities for the social order. Social orders progress or decline in ratio to the number of new realities that are postulated for them. These postulates are made, usually, single-handedly by men of imagination."

- L. Ron Hubbard


Message from the Director

The theme of this newsletter is postulated reality, which as Mr. Hubbard states, is brought into being by creative or destructive imagination. As artists we all know there is a tremendous amount of creativity and imagination that we put into our craft to make our art become a reality. What if we put that same amount of creativity into making our art pay our bills and fulfill our dreams? Whether formally educated or self-taught, statistics show that artists who have little knowledge of the business side of the art world, have little hope of succeeding. That’s exactly where EMA Artists USA comes in. I urge you to become part of our movement. Read the successes below from our artist members so you can find out how having administrative basics and being a part of this team has benefited them in their artist endeavors.

– Leisa Collins


EMA Artists Meetup in Clearwater

In the enlightened tradition of the French salons of the 18th century, where artists and creatives gathered to exchange ideas and insights, EMA Artists recently held an artist meet gathering. It was both fun and inspirational and thanks goes to founding member Katie Dean for providing her elegant harborside home for his wonderful occasion.


Featured Artist of the Month: Debbie Arambula

World renowned Artist, Debbie Arambula, affectionately known as "The Heart Artist" by art collectors, has established herself as a contemporary master in the realm of painting and sculpture design. With an illustrious career, Debbie's vibrant use of exuberant colors and her signature style Heart Portraits have garnered acclaim for their ability to express emotional energy that resonates deeply with individuals from all walks of life. Debbie recently became the newest member of EMA Artists to complete her Model of Admin Know-How program!

Please tell us a little bit about your art business.

I have been an artist all my life but mainly dancing and performance art. It wasn’t till I was 35 that I discovered I am a painter. And so started to do art shows nationwide. I have been in business since 1996.

In general, how has the use of Mr. Hubbard's administrative technology impacted your business?

Mr. Hubbard's business education has been so helpful to me in running my art business, being a productive artist and thriving for 28 years as a full-time artist. His management technology has helped me organize all aspects of my business and art career.

What piece of Mr. Hubbard's administrative wisdom have you found particularly helpful in making your business successful?

Wow so many things! But mostly the condition formula’s and keeping statistics.

As a successful art business owner, is there one really valuable tip that you would like our readers to take away with them?

Mr. Hubbard has many policies regarding the subject of promotion. So I would say Promote, Promote, Promote!


Artists in Action

Janice King

Janice King celebrated her birthday as only she can: by sharing her unique line of wearable art at a pop-up shop at Morgan's of Delaware Women's Boutique. Patrons sipped champagne and browsed the extravagant beauty of Janice's unique flowing designs.

To find out more about Janice, visit her website Janice King Art and follow her on Instagram.


Misha Crews

Misha has been putting the finishing touches on the sixth novel in her captivating series of romance novels about old houses and family secrets.

In One Secret Summer, a man chasing his past and a woman fighting for her future discover that a century-old folktale might be more fact than fiction. Prepare for this addictive new chapter in the epic yarn of Angel River, Virginia, a small town with big secrets. Coming May 2025!

You can find Misha on her website,, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.


On the Lighter Side

This was created by EMA Artists USA member and our resident cartoonist, Steve Gill, who spent 40 years traveling to shows all over the United States, selling his humorous artwork and making people laugh. Steve is our resident Cartoonist for EMA Artists.


Poet's Corner

Please enjoy our August edition of "Poet's Corner." Painting by Joel Morris. Poem by Alan Graham.

To Clone a Spirit

The role of the artist is to clone a spirit.

Let’s face it, everybody’s cloning someone.

We might as well get into the act.

Join the herd or be stampeded.

Wait, that isn’t right.

Let me start over.

Let us all start over.

As spirits, we are artists.

It’s in our DNA—

our Do Not Agree.

The role of the artist

is to set an example

of being free.


This month's quote from L. Ron Hubbard can be found in the book Science of Survival, page 112.


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©2024 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. MODEL OF ADMIN KNOW-HOW and MAKH are trademarks owned by WISE International EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA# 082624EUS



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