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Effective Management Association Newsletter - August 2022


“The artist has an enormous role in the enhancement of today's and the creation of tomorrow's reality. He operates in a rank in advance of science as to the necessities and requirements of Man. The elevation of a culture can be measured directly by the numbers of its people working in the field of aesthetics.”

- L. Ron Hubbard

The Science of Survival


Message from the Director

I have always been vehemently opposed to the “starving artist” falsehood as it flies directly into the teeth of the words of Mr. Hubbard above, where he stresses the vital role the artist plays in enhancing today’s reality while creating a better tomorrow. EMA Artists USA helps artists navigate the business side of the art world so they can get their artistic message out far and wide. Please feel free to reach out to me for more information as to how EMA Artists can help you.

– Leisa Collins


Another Model of Administrative Know-How Winner!

Misha Crews

I knew that implementing the Model of Admin Know-How program in my writing business would be an adventure and a challenge. What I didn’t realize was that it would fundamentally change and elevate the way I look at myself as an artist.

There's a story I've been telling myself for the past decade or so. It involves me getting lucky, having my first novel published quickly, hitting the bestseller list when Amazon started the e-book revolution, and then everything falling apart when my father passed away.

But the true story, unclouded by emotional disarray, is this: I got published quickly because I created a good product and properly marketed it to a publisher. After I had achieved a sudden peak of success and popularity, I failed to implement the correct business handling, and everything crashed.

That’s the simplicity of my situation. And the good news is that, if I continue to create good products and market them properly, I can continue to be successful. And if I apply the Hubbard Management System and repair that broken affluence of a decade ago, I will be able to recreate it, and guide my business into a stable, viable condition. Doing the MAKH has not only helped me to see this true scene, but it has also given me the tools to move it toward an ideal scene.

I believe that achieving any kind of lasting success is like climbing a mountain, and if you’re going to reach the top, you have to find stable handholds to pull yourself upward. The best and most stable handhold I’ve had is the EMA, because it gave me not only this wonderful MAKH program, which enabled me to implement the Hubbard Management System properly and truly into my business, but it also gave me the EMA Artists group.

And let me tell you something about this group: they have become the brightest spot in a world that can be very cold and weary. It’s hard out there for an artist, my friend, and our weekly EMA meetings have carried me through some dark and difficult times. Being part of the Core Group and actually contributing to this activity has been one of my greatest honors, and I wouldn’t have made it this far if I hadn’t had the help and inspiration of the others in the group.

Okay, onward and upward and forward to even bigger wins and success!


Artists in Action

Leisa Collins

Leisa held two events in Lansing, Michigan’s capital city, early this month. The first was an artist workshop for a dozen local artists on the topic of how to successfully establish a niche art market. The artists were introduced to L. Ron Hubbard datums on art as well as the Hubbard Management System.

The second event was Leisa’s presentation of her Historic Preservation Award to the President of the Friends of Turner Dodge House in Lansing, Michigan. The award was an original painting of the beautifully restored Turner Dodge House, one of the most historically significant heritage museums in Lansing. The event, which was co-hosted by Opportunity Arts and the City of Lansing, was attended by a gathering of friends, city representatives, community supporters and media.

You can read more about Leisa's art and her good works on her website,


Astrid Reeves

"I just had to share this good news. I have been busy with art events almost every weekend this summer, and I was recently accepted into two prestigious art festivals: the Burke Centre Festival, and the Occoquan Fall Arts & Crafts Show. I love it because my favorite thing is making people happy with my art. Come out and see me at one of my shows! I would love to meet you."

You can read more about Astrid and her vibrant, happy-inducing art at her website,


Leigh Ann Edrich

"Art in the Park, an event which grew beyond my wildest expectations, was the recent culmination of years that had been dedicated to creating a safer, cleaner and happier neighborhood. It was an Art Walk-style event that included art displays, food, music and activities for kids. It provided an opportunity to give artists a space to showcase and sell their art. We created a six-hour steady stream of people walking and driving through the neighborhood. The amount of people attending was over three hundred.

"Best yet, two drug houses that had plagued the neighborhood closed up shop during the event. One of them has been permanently closed now and is the property of the city. All of us who participated, including members of Artists in Action International, Artists for a Better World, and EMA Artists USA, know that our efforts have made a lasting impression on our neighborhood.

"My ideas of using creativity to handle an area have now been escalated to the Cultural Affairs Officer in my city government, so we will be creating more events in more places all over the city."

You can see some pictures of Leigh Ann's event below, and you can find out more about her work by visiting her websites Art by ILIA and Solutions to Make a Living in the Arts.


Ready to make a difference with your art?

Or email us at:

This group is part of the network of

Effective Management Associations (EMA).


© 2022 Effective Management Association Artists. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a license agreement. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION is a registered trademark. IA #081222

Our mailing address is:

PO Box 686 Woodstock, VA 22664



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