"Knowing the basics of organizing and how to apply it to a business - ANY business - in the arts or otherwise, takes the guesswork out of presenting a high-quality product in abundance and earning stable money. This has been a game changer, and is really simple if you follow the steps laid out in the Hubbard® Management System. Sometimes, other business owners and performing artists marvel at my success, or say it’s 'luck' and 'talent', but I know the truth. It’s technology!
"Success is possible! It’s not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of know-how. Don’t let your dreams die for lack of knowledge on how to make them come true! You can’t be the adverse effect of something if you know the technology of it, so study the Hubbard data on any area you’re having trouble with, and see results manifest. It’s amazing!"

Jamie Martin
Creator of Miss Jamie's Farm & Voice Over Actor
Being a part of the Effective Management Association has been a huge game changer! In less than six months of being a part of this group I have achieved sales goals and administrative goals that I have been trying to accomplish for years. For example: for four years I was trying to handle a problem within our production line that was preventing us from expanding and it was extremely frustrating. I was so defeated by it that I could not even dream of starting over in regards to this area of production and simply let it be which was destroying a section of my business. After joining the EMA group in less than month I came up with a new solution for this problem and actively started working on handling the existing bad scene. This problem which I had been trying to handle for years is now fully handled (in less than six months!) and I can say with confidence that it’s because I joined the Effective Management Association and started applying the Hubbard Administrative Technology to my business. This is just one of many wins I’ve had.

Katie Dean
Founder | Designer
Using the Model of Admin Know-How helps me to focus on the business side of art and gives me the tools I need for organized activity and expansion.
Astrid Reeves

I can say without hesitation that joining EMA Artists has been one of my wisest decisions as an artist. Although I am a high-volume producer as a poet, I lacked a precise path to follow on the business side of my career. The references, conferences and encouragement I have experienced so far have me zeroing-in on the actions I need to take to make an impact in my field, and to get paid for it! Another benefit has been the fact that any of the counter-efforts (internal or external) which have gotten in my way are becoming more visible and therefore more accessible to handle. I have a ways to go yet, but I know I'm on the road to success. Thanks to Leisa Collins, Misha Crews and all the members of EMA
Artists for supporting their fellow artists with such care.
Kevin Johnson (writing as Ayden Drake)

I love being part of this group. It has completely rehabilitated my purpose and productivity as a writer. I recently finished my first novel in seven years, and I give 100% of the credit to the energy and esprit de corps generated by my participation in EMA Artists USA.
Misha Crews

ARTIST HUMOR by member Steve Gill

Every artist who has ever been part of outdoor art fairs can relate to this cartoon by Steve Gill, an EMA Artist member who has spent the last 40 years travelling to shows all over the United States, selling his work. The piece was inspired by a fair Steve was part of in Pittsburgh PA. The weather was starting to turn ugly and black ominous clouds were forming and there were rumors of a huge storm. However, the fair promoter came through and confidently assured all the art vendors that all was fine, saying, “Don’t worry, the storm is gonna miss us. It’s turned and is heading north.” No sooner had she left, the wind started blowing, lightning forked the sky and the tents began flying. Then came the torrential rain.
This new group is part of the network of Effective Management Associations (EMA)
If you would like to be part of EMA Artists USA or get further information, contact Misha at: misha@mishacrews.com 540-251-4452
“The end product of organize is freedom.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
HCO PL 14 Sept 1970 I COPE AND ORGANIZE (Org Series 2)
© Effective Management Association Artists.
All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. HUBBARD and HCO are trademarks and are used pursuant to a license agreement. WISE and the MODEL OF ADMIN KNOW-HOW are trademarks owned by WISE International. I/A #0729212